all postcodes in CO3 / COLCHESTER

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO3 8LP 0 51.87996 0.830798
CO3 8LR 0 51.880745 0.817828
CO3 8LS 3 51.872903 0.819821
CO3 8LT 13 51.883452 0.814088
CO3 8LU 5 51.882335 0.810166
CO3 8LX 0 51.88287 0.810345
CO3 8LY 0 51.883037 0.810122
CO3 8LZ 0 51.883443 0.810338
CO3 8NA 1 51.884091 0.809943
CO3 8NB 1 51.886488 0.801808
CO3 8ND 7 51.89091 0.809075
CO3 8NE 0 51.894042 0.810113
CO3 8NF 0 51.89437 0.806338
CO3 8NG 0 51.896141 0.798266
CO3 8NQ 0 51.892999 0.794626
CO3 8NZ 8 51.886031 0.829683
CO3 8PA 0 51.886579 0.834791
CO3 8PB 6 51.885072 0.823418
CO3 8RJ 1 51.884429 0.825834
CO3 8PD 1 51.88844 0.8052